Donate Today

Donate Today

You can make a donation today either online or by writing a cheque and mailing it to the parish.

 Donate Online

 Make a one time donation or become a monthly donor using your credit card, a bank card with the VISA emblem or your Paypal account. Canada Helps provides the automated process for us and charges a fee of 3.4% to 4 % of the donation amount.  Canada Helps will issue your charitable tax receipt immediately for a one-time donation or at year end for a monthly donation.

 If you are making a large donation then a cheque or a bank draft is a better choice.

 Use the DONATE button below to donate once or regularly.

Donate via Cheque

 Write a cheque to St. George’s R.C. Church, Ottawa and mail it to

St. George’s R.C. Church

415 Piccadilly Ave North

Ottawa, ON   K1Y 0H3



If you do not have cheques consider getting a bank draft instead. Please make sure the draft indicates who the money is from.